I know I’m not very huge here, but this is Sarara, returning to Newgrounds.
I haven’t used this account since 2019 and it went dormant while I was gone for other places. The truth is, I struggled to reach a wider audience for some reason, and gave up and moved to Twitter where I started a new art journey. Artfol is currently my main platform, but I post art simultaneously.
I didn’t have the feeling of missing something until over the past several weeks this year. Also, I want to address some things regarding some of my artwork here:
Some of my old drawings are what I now deem as problematic and questionable, not like some edgy-edgy stuff, but the type of edgy humor that used to be popular a few years back (you will know what). At the time, I was an impressionable young teenager that didn’t know anything better and thought that shit was funny because I desperately wanted to fit in with people that were into that, which caused a lot of consequences.
I’m now much more grown, and those artworks do not represent the person I am today. I also have works for old projects I cancelled for personal reasons, and some embarrassing things.
So, from tomorrow, this account will go through a rebranding process that can take some time. This includes deleting the questionable artworks and bury them deep in the dark...forever...
(Not all will read this lol, but still)