DISCLAIMER FROM THE AUTHOR: This is going to be a serious blog post, so please don't make any jokes or memes.
Recently, some popular YouTube channels have either got their videos deleted or even their whole channels terminated for making videos addressing the recent situation of Bryant Moreland/Deyione Eason (also known as "EDP445", which stands for "eatdatpussy445"), where he was caught in a sting operation livestream by JiDion attempting to meet up with a 15-year-old child he sent nudes to. The video was on the site until it was abruptly taken down for "violating YouTube's Terms of Service".
JiDion isn't the only victim of this. Miniklin got terminated for reacting to a video uploaded by a 16-year-old victim of EDP's with the intent to spread awareness of his crimes. Another case has been of Rev says desu (who I'm not really a fan of, but my opinions on him are irrelevant here nonetheless), who not only got his video covering EDP CG-striked, but his entire account was locked for a week, with a rejected appeal.
To conclude this post, YouTube is silencing anyone who calls out a well-known pedophile under the guise of "harassment and cyberbullying". Unfortunately, this isn't the first time they've been protecting extremely vile people, and probably won't be the last until they get in very serious legal trouble.
Please spread this post around. Don't let YT get away with this!